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Does My Boiler Need Replacing?

Boilers, like other appliances, have a limited lifespan. They have a number of moving parts, which are necessary in order for them to heat water as needed. However, as these appliances get older, they might become unreliable and inefficient, necessitating a replacement. However, it is possible that you should begin thinking about this sooner rather than later.

We've gone over why it might be worth replacing your boiler before it becomes irreparable! If you need a heating engineer in Dover, Folkestone & Canterbury for boiler installations call us at 07957 479 456.

Does my boiler need replacing? 

If your boiler breaks down completely and cannot be repaired, you will need to replace it. However, this isn't the only reason to think about replacing it. Here are a few more indicators that it's time to switch to a new model.

 If boiler breakdowns are common 

The cost of call-outs and repairs may not justify buying a new boiler for the occasional boiler breakdown, but if you find yourself having to call a heating engineer to fix this appliance frequently (for example, more than once a year), it's worth considering whether the cost of call-outs and repairs is making your boiler uneconomical to run.

Replacing an outdated, inefficient boiler with a new model is also safer and provides further assurance that you will have heat and hot water when you need it.

 If your boiler is not working as well as it once did 

If your heating system is no longer able to satisfy your household's needs, you should consider replacing it. If you're having trouble keeping your house warm or your water isn't hot enough, it's possible that your boiler isn't doing its job effectively - or that the model you have no longer meets your household's demands.

 If your household energy bills are rising 

Newer boilers are far more energy-efficient than older types. Modern A-rated condensing systems have an efficiency of over 90%, whilst G-rated versions have an efficiency of 70% or below.

According to the Energy Saving Trust, replacing a G-rated boiler with a new A-rated condensing one may save an ordinary detached house up to £305 per year.

 If replacement parts are difficult to come by

One of the drawbacks of owning an old boiler is that finding new components to repair and maintain it can be difficult. If you need to fix your appliance and it will cost a lot of money or be difficult to find the parts you need, it may be time to switch to a new model.

If any of these signs apply to your boiler why not contact our Gas Safe heating engineers in Dover, Folkestone & Canterbury to discuss a boiler replacement or a brand new boiler installation you can call us on 07957 479 456 or get in touch through our contact form